Last Updated August 2023.            


           © of Vivek Moorthy,

Below is the TITLE Followed By Theme Sentence of my articles recomending a revenue neutral a Vehicle Area Tax or Levy.

A Weblink has been deliberately provided only to the must read 2006 main article.   Comments and responses are welcome at :ep.vivekmoorthy@gmail.com

Currently Distinguished Professor St Joseph Institute of managment. Bengaluru 560025 India (Email: ep.vivek.moorthy@sjim.edu.in)
Earlier with the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, and then Indian Institute of Management Bangalore my main websites are economicsperiscope.com (List of Publications) and financialmacroeconomics.com (Teaching Material)

Date/Year Source TITLE of article and Theme Sentence
6th Aug/ 2000 Deccan Herald from Book Review by this author of the Price of Onions by Ashok Desai

A major failure of our economic liberalization.. is the unrestricted use, coupled with permission for increased production of private cars.
6th Feb/2006 Economic Times Unclog roads with a Vehicle Area Tax

Such a levy will unclog roads, bring down travel time and let people travel more. Total road fuel emissions may also fall. It is a win-win policy whose time, locally and globally, has come.
First of ongoing series of articles outlining and explaining this recommended policy.
22nd Sep/2006 IIM Bangalore Seminar on The Economics (and Politics) of a Vehicle Area Annual Levy: A Global Blueprint for Local Transport
I.Background and Summary
II.Existing Transport Policies and Congestion Charging
III.Desirable Attributes of Transport Arrangements & Defining Transport Goals
IV.Limitations of Existing Policies in Relation to Transport Goals
V.How Revenue Neutral VAAL Will Work: Short and Long Term Impact
VI.How Private Transport for the Public Can Evolve: A Blueprint
VII.Modifying Flat VAAL: Size Surcharges, Restrictions, Collision Damage Levy?
VIII.Broader Economic, Social and Environmental Benefits of VAAL
IX.Overcoming Legal and Political Hurdles
6th April/2007 Business Line Taking the load off the road
9th July/2007 Business Standard Using roads efficiently: Isn't it high time?
With a stiff Vehicle Area Levy, the amount of road area that needs to be built for more travel will fall sharply.
25th Feb/2008 Economic Times Public transport policy revisited

A stiff vehicle area annual levy combined with deregulation of commercial passenger vehicle sector will greatly increase transport for the public.
15th May/2009 livemint How best to save our trees

To prevent trees from getting axed,vehicle area must be highly taxed.
June/2009 NGO titled UNCLOG ROADS registered to promote the following measures
a. Enforcing revenue neutral Vehicle Area Levy on all motor vehicles, with the proceeds used to refund all other motor vehicle and transport related taxes b.Simultaneously, de-licensing nationally private operators who currently are operating or willing to start operating minibuses, minivans, share taxis..and to allow multiple use of vehicles for personal and commercial purposes. (NGO is inactive and it needs to be revived. Members and volunteers welcome).
4th Aug/2009 livemint The walking class must protest

Roads should be built or widened only after meeting clearances for pedestrian area and safety.
6th Mar/2010 livemint Progress in an urban mess

The Delhi High Court's directive that congestion charging be considered for private cars is a great leap forward in our urban transport policy.
18th Nov/2011 Financial Express Tax vehicle area instead of petrol ...need to remove subsidies given to owners of mobile land--also known as motor vehicles.
30th Jan/2016 Indian Express What Delhi Must Do Next
A vehicle is also mobile land not paid for-- unless parked on the owner's premises....There should be no such thing as free vehicle area.
2017 From my book For 2014-15, while only 24 lakh tax payers declared annual income over Rs. 10 lakhs, over 25 lakh cars were bought every year for the preceding five years.
ikbooks.com There is a huge registered base of vehicle owners that can be tapped to raise more taxes." Footnote pg 187, Ch. 8 of Applied Macroeconomics
August/2023 Author's Note Unpublished Note: Explanatory clarifications about definitions pertaining to VA'TAX' or VAAL policy package proposal and revenue neutrailty,rebates etc

Earlier with the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, my main websites are economicsperiscope.com (List of Publications) and financialmacroeconomics.com (Teaching Material) Comments and responses are welcome at :ep.vivekmoorthy@gmail.com